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Infuse Learning vs. Socrative vs. Clickers

I like the Clickers. Don’t love ’em but . . . yeah, they’re okay. I mean, they do some cool stuff but they’re expensive and can be difficult and time-consuming to set up.

What’s a Clicker? Good question. There are lots of different brands out there but they all work basically the same – a Clicker is a hand-held device that allows students in your classroom to give you feedback, answer questions, and vote in response to questions that you provide.

The technical term? Student Response System.

And if you have a set of Clickers and you have a system for using them that works for you, stick with it.

But if you don’t like the hassle of set up and use or don’t have the money to purchase a set, there are some alternatives. I’ve written about Socrative – a free and very easy to use tool that works on any web-enabled device including laptops, iPads, iPhones, iPods, Android tablets, and just about any smartphone. I’ve been pushing Socrative ever since. It just seemed too easy and too useful as an instructional tool not to use.

But I just found out about a similar tool that you may want to check out.

Called Infuse Learning, it’s apparently been around for a while. But I’ve been busy . There was football season, then the holidays, and now high school basketball. So . . . a little behind.

The tool itself is very much like Socrative. It lets you create a free account, create quizzes and stuff that kids respond to, collects the data, and then organizes it all for you. But Infuse Learning does add a couple of nice features. Unlike Socrative, you can create different rooms for different groups of kids. You can add images to questions and there is a text to speech option that allows users to have questions read to the user. Users can also use their tablets or phones to create a diagram or add a drawing to their answers. Just a few little extras to reach a bit wider group of learners.

How might you use this in a Social Studies classroom?

  • Use Infuse Learning the same way we’ve always used clickers for real-time formative assessment. You’re discussing the causes of the Civil War and want to see want kids or thinking. Grab your laptop, iPhone, iPad, or cell phone and quickly create a question and see live results come back. Your questions can be multiple choice, true/false, or even short answer.
  • Have kids work in groups to address a series of questions at the end of a lesson or class period. Create a unit quiz of MC and T/F and have Infuse Learning grade it automatically and send you a spreadsheet report with scores, answers, and grades.
  • Add images of primary sources or photos and have them respond to them as writing prompts.
  • Ask kids to create question sets as a review activity and make those available to other class sections.

So save some money. Save yourself some trouble. Try Infuse Learning. Let me know what you think. And if I’m missing some other tool that I need to know about, let me know that too.

21 Comments Post a comment
  1. I’ve used infuse learning a bit in the classroom. Maybe it’s just our district’s internet connection, maybe it’s the desktop virtualization software, or maybe it’s just middle school children but there are always either connectivity issues or it takes forever to upload the final answers to the website. I also wish there was a way to store the results of a quiz so that I could go back after class and record scores or kids that I may need follow-up with. It’s a neat website though, and it really shines with iPads or iPhone/iTouch.

    I’ve really enjoyed your posts (I’m a long time lurker).

    March 7, 2013
    • glennw #


      Some good tips. Curious if your issues are universal across all networks. I haven’t experienced those yet but I am not using Infuse Learning with an actual group of kids.

      (I lurk in a lot of places too. Glad you’re here!)


      March 7, 2013
    • ExitTicket will store all of the students responses and tie them to learning targets in a virtual grade book. Definitely worth a look.

      August 26, 2013
  2. S Gibson-Suzuki #

    Hi Glenn,
    Hello from Australia.

    I came across this post by looking for alternatives to Socrative and infuselearning.
    The biggest issue for our school with using infuselearning is it does NOT support IE and our students’ netbooks come with IE installed as default and getting all the students to download and install Chrome or Firefox seem rather time consuming..

    I also found Socrative is easier to use and responds more quickly than infuselearning especially on Android devices (it works like a treat on iPads)

    p.s. I run a weekly webinar session every Thursday and we will be holding a major online conference next February and would be great to have you onboard (if you have any spare time)

    October 21, 2013
    • glennw #

      I also like Socrative better. And it seems to be getting better with images in questions and the new beta version rolling out. I didn’t realize that inFuselearning is having trouble with IE.

      Your online conference sounds interesting! Would love to learn more. You can contact me directly via email at


      October 22, 2013
  3. Suzanne Manzano #

    In response to Tyler H., Infuse Learning does actually provide a way to save quiz results. The teacher has the option of downloading or emailing the results, as well as keeping them in the cloud where they can be accessed at any time.

    IL is not supported by IE, and I have found the service to be spotty at best. Let’s hope the new 2.0 is much improved, because this is a fantastic tool!

    February 1, 2014
    • glennw #

      I also like Infuse Learning but it does have some drawbacks. Will be curious to see how they proceed over the next year.

      Thanks for the comment!


      February 2, 2014
  4. Suzanne Manzano #

    Nearpod is also a great alternative. There are so many cool and free tools available.

    February 6, 2014
    • glennw #

      Nearpod is a great tool! My newest favorite is called Kahoot.

      Thanks for sharing!


      February 8, 2014
  5. Suzanne Manzano #

    Thanks for the tip about Kahoot last spring. My teachers and their students love it! What else is new? I’m a humanities coach, so I’m interested in tools across the curriculum, as well as anything ELA and Social Studies. Blendspace and RedInk are two of my current favorites (and Kahoot, of course). If you have anything else new and interesting, throw it my way!

    October 29, 2014

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Interactive Video (Part One): Flipping at TED-Ed | Robin Neal
  2. Infuse Learning vs. Socrative vs. Clickers | InfuseLearning |
  3. Week 8 Reflection: History Tech- Infuse Learning vs. Socrative vs. Clickers | My Social Studies Corner
  4. Interactive Video (Part One): Flipping at TED-ed | edSocialMedia
  5. 7 ways to use your iPad in the social studies classroom | History Tech
  6. Kahoot equals easy, fun, gamified assessment | History Tech
  7. Tip of the Week: 10 Best Social Studies Stuffs of 2013 | History Tech
  8. Everyslide = SlideShare+Socrative | History Tech
  9. Tip of the Week: 5 ways to start the year | History Tech
  10. 5 ways to start the year | Doing Social Studies

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