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Post-It Plus and 4 other cool iPad apps

Though some schools are moving to Chromebooks, many are still effectively using iPads in 1-to-1 settings or off carts. And it’s always nice to have a few new iPad tools lying around to experiment with. These five apps are some of my latest favorites.

Later this week? Five helpful Chromebook apps and extensions.

Post-It Plus

Collect, sort, and share student responses with actual paper sticky notes. Open Post-it Plus and create a new board. Then snap a photo of one or multiple sticky notes. Post-it Plus digitizes them, allowing you to sort the notes and share the board as a PDF.

A fun way to do word sorts, vocab review, or to brainstorm.

Floors & Bloxels
Have you always wanted to create your own video game but never knew where to start? Floors offers a simple way to create & play games – you and your kids use specific shapes on graph paper, then use the app to take a picture of your creation, and the app creates your games based on those shapes. Get free lesson plans at their website.

Bloxels works in a similar way but uses colored blocks on a matrix instead of drawn shapes. Both are perfect tools that can be used to blend literacy, STEM topics, and social studies content at different grade levels and disciplines.

Paper 53
Designed to look and seem like picking up a notebook, Paper has a handful of powerful tools that enhance the sketching experience. It’s fantastic for doodling and exploring ideas, creating beautiful illustrations, and emphasizing handwriting skills. You can sketch images and notes onto the app, and combine them with written text, photos, or checklists. It also comes with features for sharing your drafts with colleagues as PDF, Keynote or Powerpoint files.

A great way to incorporate Sketchnoting into your classroom.

Liquid Text
LiquidText offers a fast, tactile way to review, gather, and organize information across all your documents and webpages – then apply the results to writing reports, meeting prep, or simply studying. Pull out key facts and connect them together, squeeze a document to compare sections, comment on multiple pages at once, build upon your thoughts, and much more.

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